Els and Philippe
Philippe and I didn’t go to South India in the same year. Philippe was part of a group in 2011 and I accompanied CAF during the field trip in 2014. After Philippe’s trip in 2011, we decided to sponsor a young boy, Simon Raj, during a few months. Since the end of 2013, Brinda has become our godchild.
Both Philippe and I are very glad to have had the possibility to live this experience. It gave us the opportunity to take part in the daily life of the people who are connected with CAF. It felt like being a witness of all the work that CAF and its local partners are doing: family micro-business, construction of a new school, education in the stone quarries, and meeting our godchild in the home run by Sister Daisy.
I, Els had a very nice time with our godchild Brinda. It was so enriching to see how daily life is organised, how they learn to take care of themselves and the other members of the house. To see them play and pleased to learn at school and to make an occasional trip as well!! Seeing all this I realised that offering help in this way makes very good sense to me. The people can stay in their familiar surroundings and take responsibility for their lives in a way that suits them and even for the next generation. I really liked the approach that all goes directly to the people who it’s intended for, and admire the effort and the authenticity of the people who are making this all possible.
Being emerged into the way of life of the people in India that benefit from CAF’s support was a real eye-opener for me.
We are grateful to CAF for this very unique experience.